Cheapest Umrah package from Mumbai
x x Performing Umrah and Hajj is the dream of every Muslim. Everyone desires to go for Hajj and Umrah at least once in their life. During their holy spree, everyone makes sure to go for a Ziyarat Trip, but there are few people who not only want to visit the sacred and historic place in Islamic history but also want to explore the surroundings! These small trips might sound like a picnic to many but they are a great experience if you remove a little time and explore these places. Nowadays Low-price Hajj and Umrah Packages with the best possible services to the pilgrims are in most demand. With these Packages, you can save a considerable amount of money to explore and make the best of your trip There are many places around Makkah to explore during your travel. Below is a list of these places that you can not afford to miss! 1. Factory of Kiswah at Umm Al-Jud: The Kaaba has a long history of being covered and adorned. The Kiswah (the cloth that covers the Holy Kaaba) is a highly...