What is Meeqaat?

Umrah can be performed in any month of the Islamic year but unlike Umrah, Hajj can only be performed during the month of Dhul Hajjah. Umrah is known as a mini pilgrimage while Hajj is known as the major pilgrimage to the house of Allah the Exalted. Like there are different types of Hajj , there are different types of Meeqaat as well. 

History of Meeqaat 

In olden days Indians used to prefer the sea route to go for Hajj. It took about a week to reach Jeddah port. When the ship neared Yalamlam, which is about 60 km from Makkah, and is the Meeqaat for those traveling from India an announcement was made so that the people could enter the Ihraam conveniently. After passing through Yalamlam, ship used to take around 6 to 7 hours to enter Jeddah. Nowadays Indians are allowed to go by air only. Like in ship, in plane too the announcement is made when it approaches Yalamlam. 

So what exactly is Meeqaat?

Meeqaat are points or stations from where whoever crosses on his way to the Holy Makkah either to perform Hajj, Umrah or for any other purpose including business is required to assume the state of Ihraam. Even those people residing within the haram limits, if they go out of the Meeqaat they cannot re-enter this boundary without Ihraam. It is waajib to wear Ihraam before entering the Meeqaat. The Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has specified these places as the most popular routess to Makkah during this his time.

A person who reaches Makkah needs to enter the state of Ihraam at or before the Meeqaat from which he will pass or if somehow he is not passing through one of them, then a point in his route that corresponds to the nearest Meeqaat. If a person is passing the Meeqaat in an aircraft then again he should enter in the Ihram before passing what is considered as the corresponding point to the nearest Meeqaat. The person can also enter in Ihraam before he leaves his home or before boarding the aircraft.The one who does not know about Meeqaat must enquire from others. 

Anyone crossing Meeqaat without Ihraam either has to offer Dam in Haram or go back to Meeqaat and re-enter after donning Ihraam.

If one does not intend to go to Makkah but some other place within Meeqaat such as Jeddah, he is not required to wear a Iharam. If he thereafter enters Makkah, he can go without Ihraam.

Where are five different Meeqaat:

Dhul-Hulaifah: Dhul-Hulaifa is the Meeqaat for those who reside in Madina and for those who approach Makka from that direction. This is now commonly known as Abyaar-e-Ali. The Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had worn Ihraam from here while going for Umrah. 

Juhfah: This is the Meeqaat for the people who come from the direction of Syria. Today the Juhfah has lost its identity and people assume the state of Ihram from Raabigh instead, which is near to Juhfah.

Qarnul- Manaazil: This is the Meeqaat for the people of Najd or for those coming from that direction. This is near Taaif.

Dhaat-e-Irq: This is the Meeqaat for the people of Iran, Iraq and for those coming from that direction. 

Yalamlam: this is the Meeqaat for the people of Yemen and others coming from that direction. It is the Meeqaat for many of the pilgrims from China, Japan, India and Pakistan and for those who come from that direction.

Donning the Hajj Ihraam before entering the Meeqaat is not only permissible but also desirable provided it is not prior to the Hajj period. It is incumbent on all persons living beyond the Meeqaat to put on the Ihraam if they intend to enter Makkah-e-Muharramah. A woman not in the state of offering salah is also not exempted from this. (I.e A woman who has given birth or is menstruating, is considered as unclean during that period and is not permitted to offer salah or recite Holy Quran.)

Those residing within the Haram limit can wear Ihraam for Hajj from any place within the haram, preferably from the Masjid-e-Haram. However if they wish to perform Umrah the Ihraam for Umrah should be worn somewhere from outside the Haram limit preferably from Masjid-e-Aisha. The area outside the Haram limit is called Hil.

Hope you find our article useful. For Hajj and Umrah tours visit our website and have a look at the variety of packages we offer and avail special discounts on your chosen pack. 


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